Many of us have a bit of a thing for sugar – it’s sweet, comforting and makes us feel great for a while. Not surprising since we’re hardwired to seek out sugary foods as fuel to give us bursts of quick energy (handy in the jungle or the gym but less so for everyday life).

Alarmingly, Australian teens are consuming nearly 40 teaspoons of added sugar per day; a lot more than the 6 teaspoons a day recommended by the World Health Organisation. Too much added sugar is linked to a range of major health problems – tooth decay, type 2 diabetes, obesity and heart disease to name a few.

6 Spoons in June is about being brave and freeing ourselves from our dependence on sugar. Using the tools on our website we can gradually reduce our sugar intake over four weeks, and swap over-sweetened food for healthier foods that are just as tasty.

6 Spoons in June is not about giving up the occasional biscuit, chocolate or fruit juice: we know these are sugary treats and not everyday foods. It’s about becoming more aware of the hidden added sugars in your life; taking a closer look at what’s in the food you choose for yourself and your family.

No matter what your shopping or cooking skills are like, 6 Spoons in June has tools and tips to help you on the journey towards a new daily target of 6 teaspoons of added sugar or less.  For further details click here

6 spoons in June