The awards just keep coming...
There's excitement in the air, with the communities involved in GenR8 Change Hamilton and SEA Change Portland celebrating a recent win in the ‘Supporting Healthy Population’s’ category at the DHHS Victorian Public Healthcare awards! The joint application between SEA Change and GenR8 Change received the award in Melbourne on October 11, 2018.
This award represents all the hard work community members have put in to make a real difference to the health of our community. For more information on these AWARD-WINNING initiatives, check out their websites- SEA Change Portland and GenR8 Change Hamilton or follow them on Facebook here and here!
Southern Grampians Glenelg Primary Care Partnership Executive Officer Janette Lowe said the win was something the whole community could be proud of.
“This award is great recognition of the important role that everyday community members have, in making a real difference to the health and wellbeing of our community. Local communities have the power and skills to make a real difference and this win reflects the high level of community ownership over GenR8 Change” said Ms Lowe.
“Together the Southern Grampians community has made hundreds of changes, big and small, to make the healthy choice the easier choice and ultimately improve the health of our local children. Recently collected childhood health data is showing the distinct reduction in obesity rates and improvement in a number of childhood health indicators since GenR8 Change began.”
Read the full media release here.
You’re Enough – underage alcohol message revealed
The You’re Enough social marketing campaign aims to get young people to delay their first drink and to reduce underage drinking.
The campaign targets underage young people and parents. It sends a positive message to young people to believe in themselves – You’re Enough without alcohol. The tagline ‘not drinking is fine’ challenges a community culture of alcohol being part of every event, celebration and commiseration.
The You’re Enough parent brochure provides the latest research and information and ways to support young people not to drink and showcases artwork by local students.
Local agencies worked with local secondary schools to develop the new artwork and to help spread the message. The campaign was developed in response to findings of the 2014 Glenelg Shire youth survey which found significant levels of drinking among Year 6 and Year 8 students. Impacts of drinking at an early age can include significant harm to the developing adolescent brain, higher risk of mental health issues and future problems with alcohol, and young people are less likely to do well or complete school.
To increase the capacity of members and stakeholders to work together to enhance integrated health promotion.
Healthy Food and Active Living
Obesity levels continue to rise across Australia, with both the Southern Grampians Shire and Glenelg Shire approximately 10% above the state average overweight and obesity levels.
The application of system thinking to the development, implementation and evaluation of childhood obesity prevention efforts represents the cutting edge of community-based prevention. We report on an approach to developing a system oriented community perspective on the causes of obesity. A Community Based Systems Diagram of Obesity Causes.
For more information on SEAChange (Portland) or GenR8 Change (Southern Grampians) please visit our Project on a Page
Prevention of harm from alcohol and other drugs
Healthy Glenelg
SGGPCP and partners have been approved for funding through the Australian Drug Foundation Local Drug Action Team Program. The project allows us to expand our work on prevention of harm from alcohol and other drugs, with a focus on children, young people and their families. PCP is partnering with Portland District Health, Glenelg Shire Council and Heywood Rural Health, other key stakeholders such as Victoria Police, GSG LLEN, education, other health services and the broader community.
The project aims to increase the health and wellbeing of local children, young people and their families. We will use the Communities That Care (CTC) framework, taking into account our local context. CTC Ltd will provide training, advice and support for the process. It will improve understanding and skills in the local community and service sectors to deliver effective prevention programs which address the underlying causes of the issues rather than just managing the behaviour outcomes. Individual communities will help shape the action plan and strategies to be implemented within their community, tailored to meet their strengths and needs and designed to create lasting change.
Glenelg 2014 Youth Health Wellbeing Report
For further information, please contact rowena.wylie@wdhs.net, (03) 5551 8471
Community Resilience through Climate Change Adaptation
Rural People: Resilient Future
For further information, please contact joanne.brown@wdhs.net, (03) 5551 8563
Healthy Together Victoria Achievement Program.
SGGPCP has registered to become a “Healthy Workplace” through the Victorian Government initiative: “Healthy Together Victoria – Creating a Healthier Workplace”. For more information, please click here.
For further information please contact robyn.holcombe@wdhs.net (03) 5551 8471