The GenR8 Change event “Connect, Share and Learn” held recently was an opportunity to celebrate the success and shared key steps and learnings of some tremendous local work being undertaken in the Southern Grampians community to make the healthy choice the easy choice.

Speakers included:

  • Rohan Fitzgerald, CEO WDHS – how Western District Health Service has become the first health service in Australia to discontinue the sale of sugary drinks.
  • Penny Fraser – Dunkeld Bike Bus, which is a community initiative that has children from all across Dunkeld riding to school.
  • Bryan Barrera – Hamilton Park Run, which has been an incredible success and the broad sweeping health and community implications it is having.
  • Amanda Adamson – spoke about all of the work being undertaken to make the breast feeding the easier choice, including safe community spaces for breastfeeding and families, the local café breastfeeding support program and a consumer forum on breastfeeding.
  • Rosemary Anderson – presented on the fantastic incremental changes that the Gray Street Outside School Hour Care (OSCH) service is making.


For further information on GenR8 Change contact Clinton: or Ebony:

GenR8 Change – making the healthy choice the easy choice