Uncovering a Leadership Model for Building Community Resilience
Hamilton – Friday October 31, 11.30am – 12.30pm at Hamilton Cinema, 109 Brown St
Balmoral – Thursday October 30, 11am – 12noon at Balmoral Bush Nursing Centre

For the full invitation please click on the location: Hamilton or Balmoral.

Please RSVP by 27/10/14 to Melanie.russell@wdhs.net or 555 18475

To view the youtube link to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxG1pZ5EuGk&noredirect=1
The Rural People:Resilient Futures Project is investigating vulnerability in the Southern Grampians Shire and how vulnerability is exacerbated under climate change. Southern Grampians Glenleg Primary Care Partnership is working with health and community agencies to identify climate change impacts and integrate strategies and actions to reduce vulnerability of climate change and enhance resilience.

Celebrate the Launch of the Short Film:Rural People: Resilient Futures