A great opportunity for our region – Asset Based Community Development (ABCD) Workshop presented by Peter Kenyon.

Asset-Based Community Development (ABCD) is based on the principles of appreciating and mobilising individual and community talents, skills and assets (rather than focusing on problems and needs) and it being community driven development rather than development driven by external agencies.

This workshop is aimed at community enthusiasts, community leaders, and community builders with an interest and commitment to Asset Based Community Driven (ABCD) philosophies and methodologies, and a desire to further their facilitator skills. Participants will receive a set of ABCD training materials and resources, refreshments and lunch.

Wednesday 26th November, 9:30am to 2:30pm, Portland Golf Club, Madeira Packet Rd, Portland 3305
Cost: $100 per person (includes lunch) Bookings essential via Trybooking: http://www.trybooking.com/111503
Registrations close: Friday 21st November 2014
Facilitator: Peter Kenyon – Bank of IDEAS

Peter Kenyon is a social capitalist and community enthusiast. Over the last two decades he has worked with over 1500 communities throughout Australia and overseas seeking to facilitate fresh and creative ways that stimulate community and economic renewal. He is motivated by the desire to create healthy, caring, inclusive, sustainable and enterprising communities and local economies.
For further information contact: Robyn Holcombe, 555 18471 or robyn.holcombe@wdhs.net

Facilitating Assets Based Community Driven Action