Taking some key learnings from the work that has started in the obesity prevention space with SEA Change Portland, movement has also started to occur in the Southern Grampians region with initiation of  a similar approach to tackling this wicked problem.

The title of the approach being used across the Southern Grampians region is “GenR8 Change: Making the healthy choice the easy choice”.

Currently a working group comprised of representatives from key stakeholder agencies are meeting on a fortnightly basis to establish a plan to move this approach forward.

As it stands, the next stages in this approach will be centered around bringing the community together, understand the magnitude of the issue at hand and to also help paint a picture on all of the local factors that influence healthy eating and activity options within the Southern Grampians region.

For further information contact Clinton Thomas, M: 0408 623695   E: Clinton.thomas@wdhs.net

GenR8 Change: Making the healthy choice the easy choice