GenR8 Change is an exciting, new and innovative approach about making the healthy choie the easy choice for everyone in the Southern Grampians region.

Like many communities across Australia, the reality is that in the Southern Grampians, when it comes to healthy eating and physical activity, the healthy choice is not the easy one. GenR8 Change is about the whole community coming together and making changes so that the healthy choice is the much easier choice, especially for children.

This is an ambitious approach and it needs your involvement to make it a reality, starting off with being involved in a community workshop to explore together the possible changes that the Southern Grampians community has the power to make.

Community Workshops are being held on Wednesday 14th October

Comfort Inn Grange Burn, 142 Ballarat Road, Hamilton

  • Option A: 9:30am – 2:00pm
  • Option B: 5:00pm – onwards

RSVP Essential:

Call Robyn on 55518471 or email



Link to our facebook site:       Click here

GenR8 Change – making the healthy choice the easy choice