SGGPCP held their 2015 Celebration of Achievements and Christmas last week at Glenelg Shire Council.

The format included PechaKucha presentations from staff. PechaKucha is a simple presentation format

where you show 10 images, each for 20 seconds. The images advance automatically and you talk along to the images.

Topics included:

  • SGGPCP Updates
  • Glenelg SAVES
  • Alcohol
  • Enhancing Care Coordination (ECC)
  • Obesity – SEA Change and GenR8 Change
  • Climate Change

 Nola McFarlane, Chairperson, SGGPCP Executive and Glenelg SAVES Project Officer Penny Fraser presented Glenelg Shire Community Support Workers with certificates of appreciation for their valuable contribution to the Glenelg SAVES project to date.

SGGPCP 2015 Celebration of Achievements and Christmas