Save the date: Wednesday 24th February – ‘Connect, Share, Learn’

As we all slowly return to our daily routines it’s time to start taking action towards making the healthier choice the easier choice for the Southern Grampians. We would love you to join the GenR8 Change community at our first ‘Connect, Share & Learn’ event. Here we will celebrate achievements of our community so far that make the healthier choice the easier one, what a fantastic way to begin 2016! Be sure to put Wednesday 24th February 5:30-7pm at the Melville Oval Grandstand into your diaries, and help us celebrate these wins!

Stay tuned for a flyer invite to this event that will be shared later this week,

Looking forward to you joining us on the 24th Feb!


For information on GenR8 Change contact Clinton: or Ebony:




GenR8 Change – making the healthy choice the easy choice