Staff members at SGGPCP have volunteered their time to weed and water the community Pocket Garden in the Hamilton CBD as part of their involvement with Healthy Together Victoria Workplace Achievement Program.

SGGPCP Executive Officer, Janette Lowe said “We know that volunteering time to a community project is good for our mental health, and as an employer, the health and wellbeing of our staff is very important to us. One of the reasons why our staff selected the Community Pocket Garden as a project that they wanted to contribute to was because they are encouraged to spend time there as part of work. SGGPCP also encourages their staff to move more during the work day, and a quick walk to the garden, or meet someone there are some of the ways staff are encouraged to be active and productive at work.”


SGGPCP staff are on the community garden roster to volunteer their services to weed and water a couple of times during the year. If any organisations or individuals are interested in volunteering some of their time they can contact Kylie McIntyre, Sustainability Coordinator, Southern Grampians Shire Council, Phone: 55730220, Email:

PCP staff volunteering to weed community pocket garden