Ash Dunford from Charles Sturt University has been working closely with the GenR8 Change movement to evaluate the HILAC café against the Victorian Healthy Eating Advisory Service recommendations. Analysing current sales and stock data, it was revealed 81% of food and beverages sold at HILAC are categorised as ‘red’ foods that should be limited and only 7% of options were in the ‘green’ category as everyday foods.

This week Ash presented his findings from the analysis and a community survey to Councillors, Council Members and staff from WDHS, SGGPCP & HILAC. The community is supportive of healthy change at the facility and some recommendations have been proposed to improve the health status of the café – making the healthier choice the easy choice! Following this presentation, guests enjoyed a sample of some fantastic healthy options recommended.

For more information contact Ebony Jenkins: E: P: 555 18475  or Clinton Thomas E: or 5551 8541          Facebook  Click here

GenR8 Change – making the healthy choice the easy choice