SGGPCP are holding their 2016 Annual General Meeting and Launch of the Enhancing Networks for Resilience Report on Thursday 15th December, 11:45am to 12:45pm, followed by lunch, at Hamilton Golf Club, 170 Rippon Road, Hamilton

Guest speakers: Jacinta Wareham and Naomi Turner, Woolly West Fest, ‘Chief Knit Wit and Chief Lit Wit’

Asset based community development in actionJacinta Wareham and Naomi Turner founded The Woolly West Fest in 2014 – the result of a self-imposed challenge to do something ‘fun’ for the community.

The festival draws on the region’s most famous natural resource – wool – and showcases its creative potential with a broad range of community art projects.

Believed to be the largest (geographically speaking) community arts project in Victoria and possibly even Australia, the Woolly West Fest unites ten towns from across the Shire of Southern Grampians in a single two-week celebration of wool and early childhood literacy.



Enhancing Networks for Resilience LaunchThe Enhancing Networks for Resilience Project, funded through Emergency Management Victoria as part of the National Strategy for disaster resilience, investigated the inter-organisational network of Southern Grampians Glenelg Primary Care Partnership with a focus on disaster resilience.

If you would like to attend please contact Robyn Holcombe

RSVP Essential:    by Thursday 8th December 2016      Contact Robyn: ‘ 555 18471         ;

SGGPCP Annual General Meeting and Launch of the Enhancing Networks for Resilience Report