SGGPCP organised a Goal Directed Care Planning (GDCP) workshop, in response to a need identified through the Enhanced Care Coordination project. Kate Pascale facilitated Day 1 of the workshop at Casterton on 16 February. It was a full-house with 27 participants from health services, local government and GP clinics.

The key to GDCPs is to ask the client what is important TO them – they are the experts! While we may have expertise in what’s important FOR them to achieve good health outcomes, care planning will only be effective if the client (and carer, family) is an active participant in making decisions about their care. Kate provided tools, templates, real-life examples and interactive activities to improve participants’ understanding and skills in developing GDCPs.

A half day follow up session will be held in March once participants have a chance to put their learning into practice.

Goal Directed Care Planning (GDCP) Workshop