We are very pleased to announce SGGPCP and partners have been selected to be part of the Alcohol and Drug Foundation’s Local Drug Action Team (LDAT) Program. We will work in partnership across Glenelg Shire to determine and develop locally driven solutions to reduce the harm from alcohol, ice and other drugs and keep communities safe. SGGPCP and partners Portland District Health, Glenelg Shire Council and Heywood Rural Health will work with other key stakeholders including Victoria Police, GSG LLLEN, health services, education and the broader community.

The project aims to increase the health and wellbeing of local children, young people and their families. It will build on our action over the last three years to prevent alcohol-related harm to underage young people. We will use the Communities That Care (CTC) framework adapted for our local context. It will improve understanding and skills in the local community and service sectors to deliver effective prevention programs which address the underlying causes of the issues rather than just managing the behaviour outcomes. Individual communities will help shape the action plan and strategies to be implemented within their community, tailored to meet their strengths and needs and designed to create lasting change.

For more information contact Rowena Wylie m: 0419 143 652 or e: rowena.wylie@wdhs.net

Healthy Glenelg – a healthy future for our young people