SGGPCP are conducting two workshops both featuring guest speaker Professor Anna Peeters

Workshop #1 is for leaders and champions who can drive change within their organisation

Workshop #2 is for community development/health promotion workers and community members

Workshop #1 – Organisational Leaders and Champions

How can we all make it easy for staff, clients & community to make the healthy drink choice?

Workshop will include:

o    Guest speaker Professor Anna Peeters. Anna is Professor of Epidemiology and Equity in Public Health and Head of Obesity and Population Health at Deakin University.

o    An interactive panel session of local sugary drink change leaders.

o    Workshop how to support each other to make change

Thursday 20th July, 10am to 12noon followed by a ‘Bush Tucker’ lunch

Venue: Winda Mara, 21 Scott Street, Heywood

Registration is essential as there are limited place.

RSVP by: Tuesday 11th July, 2017 to Robyn Holcombe E: P: (03) 555 18471

Workshop #2 – Community Development/Health Promotion Workers and Community Members

For anyone who lives and works in the community and wants to help their community rethink the sugary drink.

A workshop with guest speaker Prof Anna Peeters, examples of local stories and workshopping how to implement local action.

Thursday 20th July, 2.00pm – 4.00pm Glenelg Shire Council, 79 Cliff St, Portland.

Please RSVP to Jo Brown by Tuesday 18 July (Places limited).

WORKSHOP:Sugary Drinks Shake Up – What is your role?