Portland hosted Breaking the Ice, an Ice and Other Drugs forum last Thursday evening, organised by Glenelg Southern Grampians Drug Treatment Service (Quamby).
About 300 parents, professionals and community members heard from guest speakers Michael-Carr-Gregg, child and adolescent psychologist, and Julie Rae from the Australian Drug Foundation. There was also a panel for Q&A including Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria, mental health and drug and alcohol workers. The audience heard the latest information on ice, where to get help and that numbers of ice users locally is quite small, though the impact on individuals, family and friends can be significant. Alcohol remains the biggest problem in our region across the whole age spectrum. We heard how young people, parents and the broader community can play a role in preventing alcohol-related harm. We were encouraged to help our young people to develop resilience, get enough sleep and be active and involved – in education, employment, sport, friendships, community. Parents and community members should be good role models, help change the drinking culture and create positive environments for young people such as the Good Sports Program which helps sporting clubs to manage alcohol responsibly.
For further information contact Rowena Wylie M: 0419 143 652 E: Rowena.wylie@wdhs.net

Breaking the Ice – ice and other drugs forum