The report of the Rural People: Resilient Futures Project was launched at Mulleraterong Centre in Hamilton on Wednesday. The report was launched by a client of Mulleraterong Centre together with Alison Dunn, Communications Co-ordinator, Mulleraterong Centre.

Alianne Rance and Dr Hartmut Fuenfgeld from RMIT University (via skype) together with Jo Brown from SGGPCP and representatives from the Victorian Department of Environment Land Water and Planning along with the Southern Grampians Shire Council presented the findings of the project.

The report details the four phases of the project from understanding vulnerability in the Southern Grampians Shire, to investigating the vulnerability interactions and identifying opportunities to integrate and embed adaptation into the everyday operations, policies and procedures of health and community service agencies. Local agencies were presented with case studies documenting their contribution to the project. The report will also be launched in Melbourne on Wednesday 17 June by Emergency Services Commissioner Craig Laplsey.

For further information contact Jo Brown, Manager Health & Wellbeing, Southern Grampians Glenelg Primary Care Partnership, t: 5551 8563  f: 5572 3692 m: 0428 310 280

The Rural People: Resilient Futures Project – Final Project Report Launch