Plan, Prepare Lead.

Thursday 4 September, 10am – 2pm

RMIT University, Ballarat Road Hamilton

WorkShop Flyer

SGGPCP together with Southern Grampians Shire Council and RMIT are very excited to present a workshop, Plan Prepare Lead facilitated by Alianne Rance to assist agencies and community services to plan for climate change. Supported through the Victorian Adaptation and Sustainability Partnership, this workshop is being made available as part of the Rural People: Resilient Futures Project.

7 August 2014

SEA Change Portland (Sustained Eating & Activity Change) The second SEA Change Portland Workshop was held last week. In this workshop the Portland Community identified and prioritised Portland specific action ideas that will enhance healthy eating and active living opportunities.

24 July 2014


Forty five of Portland’s community leaders came together last Thursday with some of the nation’s experts to determine what the Portland community can do to combat the rising levels of childhood obesity.