SGGPCP held its’ Annual General Meeting last Thursday. The attendees all enjoyed Bank of IDEAS Director, Peter Kenyon’s enthusiastic presentation on the principles of Asset Based Community Development and provided a lot of food for thought on how we can all work with community differently to achieve greater outcomes. A copy of Peter’s presentation is available here.

Most importantly was the election of our Executive Committee and we are very privileged to have the following members:


PCP Member Organisation Representative Name
Dhauwurd-Wurrung elderly & Community Health Service Inc. Mo Connolly
Southern Grampians Shire Council Nola McFarlane
Glenelg Shire Council Ann Kirkham
Portland District Health Fiona Heenan
Heywood Rural Health Carolyn Millard
Casterton Memorial Hospital Mary-Anne Betson
Western District Health Rosie Rowe